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What is local-ip.sh?
local-ip.sh is a magic domain name that provides wildcard DNS for any IP address. It is heavily inspired by local-ip.co, sslip.io, and xip.io.
Quick example, say your LAN IP address is Using local-ip.sh, resolves to
     dots. resolves to
   dashes.192-168-1-10.local-ip.sh resolves to
...and so on. You can use these domains to access virtual hosts on your development web server from devices on your local network. No configuration required!
The best part is, you can serve your content over HTTPS with our TLS certificate for *.local-ip.sh:Be aware that wildcard certificates are not recursive, meaning they don't match "sub-subdomains".
In our case, this certificate will only match subdomains of local-ip.sh such as 192-168-1-10.local-ip.sh where dashes separate the numbers that make up the IP address.
How does it work?
local-ip.sh runs publicly a custom DNS server. When your computer looks up a local-ip.sh domain, the local-ip.sh DNS server resolves to the IP address it extracts from the domain.
The TLS certificate is obtained from Let's Encrypt and renewed up to a month before it expires.