/** * Modified version of https://unpkg.com/twemoji@13.1.0/dist/twemoji.esm.js. */ /*! Copyright Twitter Inc. and other contributors. Licensed under MIT */ const U200D = String.fromCharCode(8205); // zero-width joiner const UFE0Fg = /\uFE0F/g; // variation selector regex export function getIconCode(char: string) { return toCodePoint(char.indexOf(U200D) < 0 ? char.replace(UFE0Fg, "") : char); } function toCodePoint(unicodeSurrogates: string) { var r: string[] = [], c = 0, p = 0, i = 0; while (i < unicodeSurrogates.length) { c = unicodeSurrogates.charCodeAt(i++); if (p) { r.push((65536 + ((p - 55296) << 10) + (c - 56320)).toString(16)); p = 0; } else if (55296 <= c && c <= 56319) { p = c; } else { r.push(c.toString(16)); } } return r.join("-"); } const apis = { twemoji: (code: string) => "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/twitter/twemoji@14.0.2/assets/svg/" + code.toLowerCase() + ".svg", openmoji: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@svgmoji/openmoji@2.0.0/svg/", blobmoji: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@svgmoji/blob@2.0.0/svg/", noto: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/svgmoji/svgmoji/packages/svgmoji__noto/svg/", fluent: (code: string) => "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/shuding/fluentui-emoji-unicode/assets/" + code.toLowerCase() + "_color.svg", fluentFlat: (code: string) => "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/shuding/fluentui-emoji-unicode/assets/" + code.toLowerCase() + "_flat.svg", }; export type EmojiType = keyof typeof apis; export function loadEmoji(code: string, type: EmojiType) { // https://github.com/svgmoji/svgmoji const api = apis[type] ?? apis.twemoji; if (typeof api === "function") { return fetch(api(code)); } return fetch(`${api}${code.toUpperCase()}.svg`); }