import { type LoaderFunction, json } from "@remix-run/node"; import { useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react"; import { type Message, Prisma, Direction } from "@prisma/client"; import { parsePhoneNumber } from "awesome-phonenumber"; import PageTitle from "~/features/core/components/page-title"; import MissingTwilioCredentials from "~/features/core/components/missing-twilio-credentials"; import ConversationsList from "~/features/messages/components/conversations-list"; import db from "~/utils/db.server"; import { requireLoggedIn } from "~/utils/auth.server"; export type MessagesLoaderData = { user: { hasFilledTwilioCredentials: boolean; hasPhoneNumber: boolean; }; conversations: Record | undefined; }; type Conversation = { recipient: string; formattedPhoneNumber: string; lastMessage: Message; }; export const loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ request }) => { const { id, organizations } = await requireLoggedIn(request); /*const user = await db.user.findFirst({ where: { id }, select: { id: true, fullName: true, email: true, role: true, memberships: { include: { organization: { include: { subscriptions: { where: { OR: [ { status: { not: SubscriptionStatus.deleted } }, { status: SubscriptionStatus.deleted, cancellationEffectiveDate: { gt: new Date() }, }, ], }, orderBy: { lastEventTime: Prisma.SortOrder.desc }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }); const organization = user!.memberships[0]!.organization; const hasFilledTwilioCredentials = Boolean(organization?.twilioAccountSid && organization?.twilioAuthToken);*/ const hasFilledTwilioCredentials = false; const phoneNumber = await db.phoneNumber.findFirst({ // TODO: use the active number, not the first one where: { organizationId: organizations[0].id }, select: { id: true, organizationId: true, number: true, }, }); const conversations = await getConversations(); return json({ user: { hasFilledTwilioCredentials, hasPhoneNumber: Boolean(phoneNumber), }, conversations, }); async function getConversations() { if (!hasFilledTwilioCredentials) { return; } const organizationId = organizations[0].id; const organization = await db.organization.findFirst({ where: { id: organizationId }, include: { phoneNumbers: true }, }); if (!organization || !organization.phoneNumbers[0]) { throw new Error("Not found"); } const phoneNumberId = organization.phoneNumbers[0].id; // TODO: use the active number, not the first one if (organization.phoneNumbers[0].isFetchingMessages) { return; } const messages = await db.message.findMany({ where: { phoneNumberId }, orderBy: { sentAt: Prisma.SortOrder.desc }, }); let conversations: Record = {}; for (const message of messages) { let recipient: string; if (message.direction === Direction.Outbound) { recipient =; } else { recipient = message.from; } const formattedPhoneNumber = parsePhoneNumber(recipient).getNumber("international"); if (!conversations[recipient]) { conversations[recipient] = { recipient, formattedPhoneNumber, lastMessage: message, }; } if (conversations[recipient].lastMessage.sentAt > message.sentAt) { conversations[recipient].lastMessage = message; } /*conversations[recipient]!.messages.push({ ...message, content: decrypt(message.content, organization.encryptionKey), });*/ } return conversations; } }; export default function MessagesPage() { const { user } = useLoaderData(); if (!user.hasFilledTwilioCredentials || !user.hasPhoneNumber) { return ( <> ); } return ( <>
{/* TODO: skeleton conversations list */}
); }