import { type ActionFunction } from "@remix-run/node"; import { badRequest, html, notFound, serverError } from "remix-utils"; import twilio from "twilio"; import { z } from "zod"; import insertIncomingMessageQueue from "~/queues/insert-incoming-message.server"; import notifyIncomingMessageQueue from "~/queues/notify-incoming-message.server"; import logger from "~/utils/logger.server"; import db from "~/utils/db.server"; import { smsUrl } from "~/utils/twilio.server"; import { decrypt } from "~/utils/encryption"; import { validate } from "~/utils/validation.server"; export const action: ActionFunction = async ({ request }) => { const twilioSignature = request.headers.get("X-Twilio-Signature") || request.headers.get("x-twilio-signature"); if (!twilioSignature || Array.isArray(twilioSignature)) { return badRequest("Invalid header X-Twilio-Signature"); } const formData = Object.fromEntries(await request.formData()); const validation = validate(bodySchema, formData); if (validation.errors) { logger.error(validation.errors); return badRequest(""); } const body =; try { const phoneNumbers = await db.phoneNumber.findMany({ where: { number: body.To }, include: { twilioAccount: true, }, }); if (phoneNumbers.length === 0) { // phone number is not registered by any organization return notFound("Phone number not found"); } /*const phoneNumbersWithActiveSub = phoneNumbers.filter( (phoneNumber) => phoneNumber.twilioAccount.organization.subscriptions.length > 0, ); if (phoneNumbersWithActiveSub.length === 0) { // accept the webhook but don't store incoming message // because the organization is on the free plan console.log("no active subscription"); // TODO: uncomment the line below -- beware: refresh phone numbers refetch those missed messages lol // return html(""); }*/ const phoneNumber = phoneNumbers.find((phoneNumber) => { // TODO: uncomment the line below // const phoneNumber = phoneNumbersWithActiveSub.find((phoneNumber) => { // if multiple organizations have the same number // find the organization currently using that phone number // maybe we shouldn't let that happen by restricting a phone number to one org? const encryptedAuthToken = phoneNumber.twilioAccount.authToken; const authToken = encryptedAuthToken ? decrypt(encryptedAuthToken) : ""; return twilio.validateRequest(authToken, twilioSignature, smsUrl, formData); }); if (!phoneNumber) { return badRequest("Invalid webhook"); } const messageSid = body.MessageSid; const phoneNumberId =; await Promise.all([ insertIncomingMessageQueue.add(`insert message ${messageSid} for ${phoneNumberId}`, { messageSid, phoneNumberId, }), notifyIncomingMessageQueue.add(`notify incoming message ${messageSid} for ${phoneNumberId}`, { messageSid, phoneNumberId, }), ]); return html(""); } catch (error: any) { logger.error(error); return serverError(error.message); } }; const bodySchema = z.object({ MessageSid: z.string(), To: z.string(), ToCountry: z.string().optional(), ToState: z.string().optional(), SmsMessageSid: z.string().optional(), NumMedia: z.string().optional(), ToCity: z.string().optional(), FromZip: z.string().optional(), SmsSid: z.string().optional(), FromState: z.string().optional(), SmsStatus: z.string().optional(), FromCity: z.string().optional(), Body: z.string().optional(), FromCountry: z.string().optional(), ToZip: z.string().optional(), NumSegments: z.string().optional(), AccountSid: z.string().optional(), From: z.string().optional(), ApiVersion: z.string().optional(), ReferralNumMedia: z.string().optional(), });