import type { FunctionComponent, PropsWithChildren } from "react"; import { Disclosure, Transition } from "@headlessui/react"; import clsx from "clsx"; import Container from "./container"; import backgroundImage from "../images/background-faqs.jpg"; const faqs = [ [ { question: "Does TaxPal handle VAT?", answer: "Well no, but if you move your company offshore you can probably ignore it.", }, { question: "Can I pay for my subscription via purchase order?", answer: "Absolutely, we are happy to take your money in all forms.", }, { question: "How do I apply for a job at TaxPal?", answer: "We only hire our customers, so subscribe for a minimum of 6 months and then let’s talk.", }, ], [ { question: "What was that testimonial about tax fraud all about?", answer: "TaxPal is just a software application, ultimately your books are your responsibility.", }, { question: "TaxPal sounds horrible but why do I still feel compelled to purchase?", answer: "This is the power of excellent visual design. You just can’t resist it, no matter how poorly it actually functions.", }, { question: "I found other companies called TaxPal, are you sure you can use this name?", answer: "Honestly not sure at all. We haven’t actually incorporated or anything, we just thought it sounded cool and made this website.", }, ], [ { question: "How do you generate reports?", answer: "You just tell us what data you need a report for, and we get our kids to create beautiful charts for you using only the finest crayons.", }, { question: "Can we expect more inventory features?", answer: "In life it’s really better to never expect anything at all.", }, { question: "I lost my password, how do I get into my account?", answer: "Send us an email and we will send you a copy of our latest password spreadsheet so you can find your information.", }, ], ]; export default function Faqs() { return (

Frequently asked questions

); } function FAQs() { return (

Questions & Answers

); } const Accordion: FunctionComponent> = ({ title, children }) => { return ( {({ open }) => ( <> {title}


); };