import type { NextApiHandler } from "next"; import type { IncomingMessage, RequestListener, ServerResponse } from "http"; import http from "http"; import type { __ApiPreviewProps } from "next/dist/next-server/server/api-utils"; import { apiResolver } from "next/dist/next-server/server/api-utils"; import listen from "test-listen"; import fetch from "isomorphic-fetch"; import crypto from "crypto"; type Authentication = | "none" | "auth0" | "google-oauth2" | "facebook" | "twitter"; type Params = { method: string; body?: any; headers?: Record; query?: Record; authentication?: Authentication; }; const apiPreviewProps: __ApiPreviewProps = { previewModeEncryptionKey: crypto.randomBytes(16).toString("hex"), previewModeId: crypto.randomBytes(32).toString("hex"), previewModeSigningKey: crypto.randomBytes(32).toString("hex"), }; export async function callApiHandler(handler: NextApiHandler, params: Params) { const { method = "GET", body, headers = {}, query = {}, authentication = "none", } = params; const requestHandler: RequestListener = (req, res) => { const propagateError = false; Object.assign(req.headers, headers); if (req.url !== "/") { // in these API tests, our http server uses the same handler for all routes, it has no idea about our app's routes // when we're hitting anything else than the / route, it means that we've been redirected const fallbackHandler: NextApiHandler = (req, res) => res.status(200).end(); return apiResolver( req, res, query, fallbackHandler, apiPreviewProps, propagateError, ); } if (authentication !== "none") { writeSessionToCookie(req, res, authentication); } return apiResolver( req, res, query, handler, apiPreviewProps, propagateError, ); }; const server = http.createServer(requestHandler); const url = await listen(server); let fetchOptions: RequestInit = { method, redirect: "manual" }; if (body) { fetchOptions.body = JSON.stringify(body); fetchOptions.headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json" }; } const response = await fetch(url, fetchOptions); server.close(); return response; } function writeSessionToCookie( req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, authentication: Authentication, ) { const session = { id: `${authentication}|userId`, email: "test@fss.test", name: "Groot", teamId: "teamId", role: "owner", }; const setCookieHeader = res.getHeader("Set-Cookie") as string[]; // write it to request headers to immediately have access to the user's session req.headers.cookie = setCookieHeader.join(""); }