import { NotFoundError, resolver } from "blitz"; import { z } from "zod"; import db, { Direction, MessageStatus, SubscriptionStatus } from "../../../db"; import { encrypt } from "../../../db/_encryption"; import sendMessageQueue from "../../messages/api/queue/send-message"; import appLogger from "../../../integrations/logger"; import getTwilioClient from "../../../integrations/twilio"; const logger = appLogger.child({ mutation: "send-message" }); const Body = z.object({ content: z.string(), to: z.string(), }); export default resolver.pipe(resolver.zod(Body), resolver.authorize(), async ({ content, to }, context) => { const organizationId = context.session.orgId; const organization = await db.organization.findFirst({ where: { id: organizationId }, include: { phoneNumbers: true }, }); if (!organization) { throw new NotFoundError(); } const twilioClient = getTwilioClient(organization); try { await twilioClient.lookups.v1.phoneNumbers(to).fetch(); } catch (error: any) { logger.error(error); return; } const phoneNumber = organization.phoneNumbers[0]; // TODO: use the active number, not the first one if (!phoneNumber) { throw new NotFoundError(); } const subscription = await db.subscription.findFirst({ where: { organizationId, OR: [ { status: { not: SubscriptionStatus.deleted } }, { status: SubscriptionStatus.deleted, cancellationEffectiveDate: { gt: new Date() } }, ], }, }); const hasOngoingSubscription = Boolean(subscription); const messageBody = hasOngoingSubscription ? content : content + "\n\nSent from Shellphone ("; const phoneNumberId =; const message = await db.message.create({ data: { organizationId, phoneNumberId, to, from: phoneNumber.number, direction: Direction.Outbound, status: MessageStatus.Queued, content: encrypt(messageBody, organization.encryptionKey), sentAt: new Date(), }, }); await sendMessageQueue.enqueue( { id:, organizationId, phoneNumberId, to, content: messageBody, }, { id: `insert-${}-${organizationId}-${phoneNumberId}`, }, ); });