import type { BlitzApiRequest, BlitzApiResponse } from "blitz"; import twilio from "twilio"; import type { ApiError } from "../../../api/_types"; import appLogger from "../../../../integrations/logger"; import { encrypt } from "../../../../db/_encryption"; import db, { Direction, MessageStatus } from "../../../../db"; import { MessageInstance } from "twilio/lib/rest/api/v2010/account/message"; const logger = appLogger.child({ route: "/api/webhook/incoming-message" }); export default async function incomingMessageHandler(req: BlitzApiRequest, res: BlitzApiResponse) { if (req.method !== "POST") { const statusCode = 405; const apiError: ApiError = { statusCode, errorMessage: `Method ${req.method} Not Allowed`, }; logger.error(apiError); res.setHeader("Allow", ["POST"]); res.status(statusCode).send(apiError); return; } const twilioSignature = req.headers["X-Twilio-Signature"] || req.headers["x-twilio-signature"]; if (!twilioSignature || Array.isArray(twilioSignature)) { const statusCode = 400; const apiError: ApiError = { statusCode, errorMessage: "Invalid header X-Twilio-Signature", }; logger.error(apiError); res.status(statusCode).send(apiError); return; } console.log("req.body", req.body); // TODO: return 200 and process this in the background try { const phoneNumber = req.body.To; const customerPhoneNumber = await db.phoneNumber.findFirst({ where: { phoneNumber }, }); console.log("customerPhoneNumber", customerPhoneNumber); if (!customerPhoneNumber) { // phone number is not registered by any customer res.status(200).end(); return; } const customer = await db.customer.findFirst({ where: { id: customerPhoneNumber.customerId }, }); console.log("customer", customer); if (!customer || !customer.authToken) { res.status(200).end(); return; } const url = ""; const isRequestValid = twilio.validateRequest( customer.authToken, twilioSignature, url, req.body ); console.log("isRequestValid", isRequestValid); if (!isRequestValid) { const statusCode = 400; const apiError: ApiError = { statusCode, errorMessage: "Invalid webhook", }; logger.error(apiError); res.status(statusCode).send(apiError); return; } // TODO: send notification const body: Body = req.body; const messageSid = body.MessageSid; const message = await twilio(customer.accountSid!, customer.authToken) .messages.get(messageSid) .fetch(); await db.message.create({ data: { customerId:, to:, from: message.from, status: translateStatus(message.status), direction: translateDirection(message.direction), sentAt: message.dateCreated, content: encrypt(message.body, customer.encryptionKey), }, }); } catch (error) { const statusCode = error.statusCode ?? 500; const apiError: ApiError = { statusCode, errorMessage: error.message, }; logger.error(error); res.status(statusCode).send(apiError); } } type Body = { ToCountry: string; ToState: string; SmsMessageSid: string; NumMedia: string; ToCity: string; FromZip: string; SmsSid: string; FromState: string; SmsStatus: string; FromCity: string; Body: string; FromCountry: string; To: string; ToZip: string; NumSegments: string; MessageSid: string; AccountSid: string; From: string; ApiVersion: string; }; function translateDirection(direction: MessageInstance["direction"]): Direction { switch (direction) { case "inbound": return Direction.Inbound; case "outbound-api": case "outbound-call": case "outbound-reply": default: return Direction.Outbound; } } function translateStatus(status: MessageInstance["status"]): MessageStatus { switch (status) { case "accepted": return MessageStatus.Accepted; case "canceled": return MessageStatus.Canceled; case "delivered": return MessageStatus.Delivered; case "failed": return MessageStatus.Failed; case "partially_delivered": return MessageStatus.PartiallyDelivered; case "queued": return MessageStatus.Queued; case "read": return MessageStatus.Read; case "received": return MessageStatus.Received; case "receiving": return MessageStatus.Receiving; case "scheduled": return MessageStatus.Scheduled; case "sending": return MessageStatus.Sending; case "sent": return MessageStatus.Sent; case "undelivered": return MessageStatus.Undelivered; } }