import crypto from "crypto"; import { GlobalRole, MembershipRole } from "@prisma/client"; import db from "~/utils/db.server"; import { hashPassword } from "~/utils/auth.server"; import slugify from "~/utils/slugify"; async function seed() { const email = "remixtape@admin.local"; const orgName = "Get Psyched"; const orgSlug = slugify(orgName); const password = crypto.randomBytes(8).toString("hex"); // cleanup the existing database await db.user.delete({ where: { email } }).catch(() => {}); await db.organization.delete({ where: { slug: orgSlug } }).catch(() => {}); await db.user.create({ data: { email, fullName: "Admin", hashedPassword: await hashPassword(password), role: GlobalRole.SUPERADMIN, memberships: { create: { role: MembershipRole.OWNER, organization: { create: { name: orgName, slug: orgSlug }, }, }, }, }, }); console.log("\nDatabase has been seeded. 🌱"); console.log("You can log into the newly-seeded admin account with the following credentials:"); console.log(`\x1B[1m\x1B[4memail\x1B[0m: ${email}`); console.log(`\x1B[1m\x1B[4mpassword:\x1B[0m ${password}`); } seed() .catch((error) => { console.error(error); process.exit(1); }) .finally(async () => { await db.$disconnect(); });