import { useCallback, useEffect } from "react"; import { useFetcher } from "@remix-run/react"; import { type TwilioError, Call, Device } from "@twilio/voice-sdk"; import { useAtom, atom } from "jotai"; import type { TwilioTokenLoaderData } from "~/features/phone-calls/loaders/twilio-token"; import type { NotificationPayload } from "~/utils/web-push.server"; import useCall from "./use-call"; export default function useDevice() { const jwt = useDeviceToken(); const [device, setDevice] = useAtom(deviceAtom); const [call, setCall] = useCall(); const [isDeviceReady, setIsDeviceReady] = useAtom(isDeviceReadyAtom); useEffect(() => { // init token jwt.refresh(); // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); useEffect(() => { // init device if (!jwt.token) { return; } if (device && device.state !== Device.State.Unregistered) { return; } const newDevice = new Device(jwt.token, { codecPreferences: [Call.Codec.Opus, Call.Codec.PCMU], sounds: { [Device.SoundName.Disconnect]: undefined, // TODO }, }); newDevice.register(); (window as any).ddd = newDevice; setDevice(newDevice); }, [device, jwt.token, setDevice]); useEffect(() => { // refresh token if (jwt.token && device?.state === Device.State.Registered && device?.token !== jwt.token) { device.updateToken(jwt.token); } }, [device, jwt.token]); const onTokenWillExpire = useCallback( function onTokenWillExpire() { jwt.refresh(); }, [jwt.refresh], ); const onDeviceRegistered = useCallback( function onDeviceRegistered() { setIsDeviceReady(true); }, [setIsDeviceReady], ); const onDeviceUnregistered = useCallback( function onDeviceUnregistered() { setIsDeviceReady(false); }, [setIsDeviceReady], ); const onDeviceError = useCallback(function onDeviceError(error: TwilioError.TwilioError, call?: Call) { console.log("error", error); // we might have to change this if we instantiate the device on every page to receive calls // setDevice(() => { // hack to trigger the error boundary throw error; // }); }, []); const onDeviceIncoming = useCallback( function onDeviceIncoming(incomingCall: Call) { if (call) { incomingCall.reject(); return; } setCall(incomingCall); console.log("incomingCall.parameters", incomingCall.parameters); // TODO prevent making a new call when there is a pending incoming call const channel = new BroadcastChannel("notifications"); const recipient = incomingCall.parameters.From; const message: NotificationPayload = { title: recipient, // TODO: body: "", actions: [ { action: "answer", title: "Answer", }, { action: "decline", title: "Decline", }, ], data: { recipient, type: "call" }, }; channel.postMessage(JSON.stringify(message)); }, [call, setCall], ); const eventHandlers = [ ["registered", onDeviceRegistered], ["unregistered", onDeviceUnregistered], ["error", onDeviceError], ["incoming", onDeviceIncoming], ["tokenWillExpire", onTokenWillExpire], ] as const; for (const [eventName, handler] of eventHandlers) { // register device event handlers // one event at a time to only update the handlers that changed // without resetting the other handlers // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks useEffect(() => { if (!device) { return; } // if we already have this event handler registered, no need to re-register it const listeners = device.listeners(eventName); if (listeners.length > 0 && listeners.every((fn) => fn.toString() === handler.toString())) { return; } device.on(eventName, handler); return () => { device.removeListener(eventName, handler); }; }, [device, eventName, handler]); } return { device, isDeviceReady, }; } const deviceAtom = atom(null); const isDeviceReadyAtom = atom(false); function useDeviceToken() { const fetcher = useFetcher(); const refresh = useCallback(() => fetcher.load("/outgoing-call/twilio-token"), []); return { token:, refresh, }; }