import { type ActionFunction } from "@remix-run/node"; import { type CallInstance } from "twilio/lib/rest/api/v2010/account/call"; import { badRequest, serverError } from "remix-utils"; import { Direction, Prisma, SubscriptionStatus } from "@prisma/client"; import logger from "~/utils/logger.server"; import db from "~/utils/db.server"; import twilio from "twilio"; import { voiceUrl, translateCallStatus } from "~/utils/twilio.server"; import { decrypt } from "~/utils/encryption"; export const action: ActionFunction = async ({ request }) => { const twilioSignature = request.headers.get("X-Twilio-Signature") || request.headers.get("x-twilio-signature"); if (!twilioSignature || Array.isArray(twilioSignature)) { return badRequest("Invalid header X-Twilio-Signature"); } const body: Body = await request.json(); const isOutgoingCall = body.From.startsWith("client:"); if (isOutgoingCall) { const recipient = body.To; const organizationId = body.From.slice("client:".length).split("__")[0]; try { const phoneNumber = await db.phoneNumber.findUnique({ where: { organizationId_isCurrent: { organizationId, isCurrent: true } }, include: { organization: { include: { subscriptions: { where: { OR: [ { status: { not: SubscriptionStatus.deleted } }, { status: SubscriptionStatus.deleted, cancellationEffectiveDate: { gt: new Date() }, }, ], }, orderBy: { lastEventTime: Prisma.SortOrder.desc }, }, twilioAccount: true, }, }, }, }); if (phoneNumber?.organization.subscriptions.length === 0) { // decline the outgoing call because // the organization is on the free plan return new Response(null, { status: 402 }); } const encryptedAuthToken = phoneNumber?.organization.twilioAccount?.authToken; const authToken = encryptedAuthToken ? decrypt(encryptedAuthToken) : ""; if ( !phoneNumber || !encryptedAuthToken || !twilio.validateRequest(authToken, twilioSignature, voiceUrl, body) ) { return badRequest("Invalid webhook"); } await db.phoneCall.create({ data: { id: body.CallSid, recipient: body.To, from: phoneNumber.number, to: body.To, status: translateCallStatus(body.CallStatus), direction: Direction.Outbound, duration: "0", phoneNumberId:, }, }); const voiceResponse = new twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse(); const dial = voiceResponse.dial({ answerOnBridge: true, callerId: phoneNumber!.number, }); dial.number(recipient); console.log("twiml voiceResponse", voiceResponse.toString()); return new Response(voiceResponse.toString(), { headers: { "Content-Type": "text/xml" } }); } catch (error: any) { logger.error(error); return serverError(error.message); } } }; type OutgoingCallBody = { AccountSid: string; ApiVersion: string; ApplicationSid: string; CallSid: string; CallStatus: CallInstance["status"]; Called: string; Caller: string; Direction: `outbound${string}`; From: string; To: string; }; type IncomingCallBody = { AccountSid: string; ApiVersion: string; ApplicationSid: string; CallSid: string; CallStatus: CallInstance["status"]; Called: string; CalledCity: string; CalledCountry: string; CalledState: string; CalledZip: string; Caller: string; CallerCity: string; CallerCountry: string; CallerState: string; CallerZip: string; Direction: "inbound"; From: string; FromCity: string; FromCountry: string; FromState: string; FromZip: string; To: string; ToCity: string; ToCountry: string; ToState: string; ToZip: string; }; type Body = OutgoingCallBody | IncomingCallBody;