import type { AssetsManifest } from "@remix-run/react/entry"; import { ASSET_CACHE } from "./cache-utils"; declare let self: ServiceWorkerGlobalScope; export default async function handleMessage(event: ExtendableMessageEvent) { if ( === "SYNC_REMIX_MANIFEST") { return handleSyncRemixManifest(event); } } async function handleSyncRemixManifest(event: ExtendableMessageEvent) { console.debug("Caching routes modules"); await cacheStaticAssets(; } async function cacheStaticAssets(manifest: AssetsManifest) { const cachePromises: Map> = new Map(); const assetCache = await; const routes = [...Object.values(manifest.routes), manifest.entry]; for (const route of routes) { if (!cachePromises.has(route.module)) { cachePromises.set(route.module, cacheAsset(route.module)); } if (route.imports) { for (const assetUrl of route.imports) { if (!cachePromises.has(assetUrl)) { cachePromises.set(assetUrl, cacheAsset(assetUrl)); } } } } await Promise.all(cachePromises.values()); async function cacheAsset(assetUrl: string) { if (await assetCache.match(assetUrl)) { return; } console.debug("Caching asset", assetUrl); return assetCache.add(assetUrl).catch((error) => { console.debug(`Failed to cache asset ${assetUrl}:`, error); }); } }